Friday, September 29, 2017

6AM Athlete 29 Sep 2017 "Three Wise Men"

John, Ronnie, Nick, Perry, Lisa

Warm Up
- 3 Min Row or 3 Lap Run

- Hang Squat Snatch
We were very fortunate to have one of the gym regulars (Nick) come give us some pointers. Basically we were doing it so badly he just had
Thank you Nick

We executed the Hero WOD "Three Wise Men"
Named after Jeremy Wise, Ben Wise, and Beau Wise
It is normally a 16 min WOD but we also added a 4th AMRAP to make it a 20 min WOD

o AMRAP in 4 minutes (Jeremy)
o 5 Hang Squat Snatch (135/95 lb)
o 10 Bar-Facing Burpees
Rest 2 minutes
o AMRAP in 4 minutes (Ben)
o 10 Power Cleans (135/95 lb)
o 20 Pull-Ups
Rest 2 minutes
o AMRAP in 4 minutes (Beau)
o 15 Box Jump-Overs (24/20 in)
o 30 Wall Ball Shots (20/14 lbs)
Rest 2 minutes
o Plus 1
o 1 Min Plank,1 Min Sit ups,1 Min Plank, 1 Min Sit ups

After the September 11th attacks on the US, Jeremy joined the Navy and became a SEAL. Ben already in the Army became a member of the legendary Green Berets. Beau followed his brothers and joined the Marine Corps Infantry. Together they served over 1,600 days in Iraq and Afghanistan. Tragically Jeremy was killed by a suicide bomber in Afghanistan on December 30, 2009. Just over two years later, Ben was killed in a firefight in Afghanistan. Beau remained on active duty in the United States Marine Corps.

Hero WOD: "The Wise Men"

Nice work Lisa, Perry, John and Nick!

WOD: Three AMRAPs in 16 minutes AMRAP in 4 minutes
  • 5 Hang Squat Snatch (135/95 lb)
  • 10 Bar-Facing Burpees
  • Rest 2 minutes
  • Then, AMRAP in 4 minutes
  • 10 Power Cleans (135/95 lb)
  • 20 Pull-Ups
  • Rest 2 minutes
  • Then, AMRAP in 4 minutes
  • 15 Box Jump-Overs (24/20 in)
  • 30 Wall Ball Shots (20/14 lbs)

WHY: After the September 11th attacks on the US, Jeremy joined the Navy and became a SEAL. Ben already in the Army became a member of the legendary Green Berets. Beau followed his brothers and joined the Marine Corps Infantry. Together they served over 1,600 days in Iraq and Afghanistan. Tragically Jeremy was killed by a suicide bomber in Afghanistan on December 30, 2009. Just over two years later, Ben was killed in a firefight in Afghanistan. Beau remained on active duty in the United States Marine Corps.

Sent from my iPhone

Thursday, September 28, 2017

6AM Athlete Thur 28 Sep - "Incredible Hulk"

John, Erin, Mike, Andrew, Tim, Anne, Blair

Warm up
Athletes did their own warm up
Then, did a set of the Incredible Hulk using an empty bar

WOD - "Incredible Hulk"
20 Min AMRAP
5 Deadlifts (115/75lbs)
5 Hang Power Cleans (115/75lbs)
5 Front Squats (115/75lbs)
5 Push Press (115/75lbs)
5 Back Squats (115/75lbs)

Had a little side betting going on as Andrew decided to "step up" and toss 135lbs around. Evidently "someone" might have accused him of going a little light on the weight yesterday. So the topic of interest was, "Would Erin do 3X the number of sets as Andrew?"
Want to know the answer? Come join us and find out!
(Hint: I would not bet against Erin...)

Wednesday, September 27, 2017

6AM Athlete Wed 27 Sep

Erin, John, Blair, Jason, Mike, Andrew, Shaneka, Walt, X-Man

Warm up
200M Row
10 Shoulder to Overheads
30 Ab Mats (sit ups)

27-21-15-9 (72 total reps for each movement)
Shoulder to Overhead (Rx 115/85lbs)
2 Lap run between Sets (Total of 8 laps)(

Tuesday, September 26, 2017

"Create Your Own" warm up and WOD!

Well done Erin, Boss TIM, Boss John, Boss Blair, Andrew, Rishi, Nick and Walt!!!!!

Monday, September 25, 2017

6AM Athletes Mon 25 Sep "Barbara"

Nick, Tim, Anne, X-man, Jason, John
Ronnie came in earlier and did "Linda". Decided Barbara was not in the cards today.

Nick laid it on us with "Barbara"

Warm up on your own
500M Row
PVC Stretching

Kicked off the WOD at 6:05 with a 30 minute time cap
WOD "Barbara"
20 Pull ups
30 Push ups
40 Sit ups
50 Air Squats
3 Min rest

Most of the athletes broke the reps down by doing more rounds (i.e. 10 RFT of: 10 Pull ups, 15 Push ups, 20 Sit ups, 25 Air Squats).
However you got them the final numbers were the same. Total of 100 Pull ups, 150 Push ups, 200 Sit ups, and 250 Air Squats
Thank you Barbara!

Mon 25 Sep "Barbra"


6 AMers getting it done! KaBOOM!

Friday, September 22, 2017

6AM Athletes Fri 22 Sep "Morrison"


Erin, Ronnie, Shaneka, Perry , Lisa, Jake, John, Nick

Warm up
500m Row
PVC stretches and light Kettlebell swings

. 50-40-30-20-10 Reps For Time
. Wall Ball Shots (20/14 lbs)
. Box Jumps (24/20 in)
. Kettlebell Swings (1.5/1 pood)

Please take a little time and remember this young man who gave his life for
his country.

U.S. Army Specialist Scott Morrison, 23, of Blue Ash, OH, assigned to 584th
Mobility Augmentation Company, 20th Engineer Battalion, 36th Engineer
Brigade, based out of Fort Hood, TX, died on September 26, 2010, from
injuries suffered on September 25 when insurgents in Kandahar, Afghanistan
attacked his vehicle with an improvised explosive device.
He is survived by his father Donald, mother Susan, brother Gary, and sister

Thursday, September 21, 2017

6AM Athletes Thur 21 Sep - "Oly Day"

Walt, Andrew, John

Walt must have scared everyone off for Olympic Lift Day

Warm up
400M Row
100 Sit ups
50 Push ups

Shoulder to Overhead
We found our maximum weight
Then did a 5X5 using 80% of max

1 Bear Complex (incrementing 10lbs each round)
5 Box Jumps
5 Pull Ups
5 Tire Flips

Wednesday, September 20, 2017

6AM Athletes Wed 20 Sep "Wall balls and Hang Cleans"

Erin, John, Nick, Blair, Shanneka, Mike, Jake, X-man, Jason, and Brad

Warm up
400M Row or Run
2 sets (empty bar 45/35)
8 Hang Cleans
8 Shoulder to Overhead
8 Front Squats

20 Wall balls (Rx 20)
10 Hang Cleans (Rx Pick your weight but try to reach failure right at 10 reps)

Wednesday WB and HC

Tuesday, September 19, 2017

6AM Athletes Tues 19 Sep "Cindy"

Blair, Nick, Rishi, John, Shanneka
Erin gets credit for being there as well

Warm up
600M Row or 3 lap run
50 Sit ups

WOD "Cindy"
20 Min AMRAP
5 Pull ups
10 Push ups
15 Air Squats

Since we were done early the athletes wanted more so we started a light "Linda"
10-9-8-7 (Only made it down to 7)
Bench Press
Power Cleans

Worked until 6:50 and called it done. Had to save something for Erin's workout tomorrow!

Tuesday Girls "Cindy and Linda"

Monday, September 18, 2017

Monday "Annie" Girls WOD

Nice Work 6 AM'ers!!! Andrew, Jason, X-Man, Nick, John, Blair, Trey, Jake, and Brad brought it this Monday with the Girls WOD "Annie"

Warm Up
500 Meter Row

Form Work: Squat, Sit-up

WOD: Annie
100-80-60-40-20 Jump Rope
50-40-30-20-10 Sit-ups

Extra Credit: 15 Minutes Tire Flips

Friday, September 15, 2017

"The Seven" pics

6AM Athletes Fri 15 Sep 2017 "The Seven"

Finished the week guessed it...another Hero WOD.

Christi, Lisa, Perry, Ronnie, Nick, Michael, Jake, John

Welcome Christi!

Quick warm up with a lap run and PVC stretches.

Everyone dialed in their weight and we jumped into:
"The Seven" Hero WOD
7 Rounds For Time
7 Handstand Push-Ups
7 Thrusters (135/95 lbs)
7 Knees-to-Elbows
7 Deadlifts (245/165 lbs)
7 Burpees
7 Kettlebell Swings (2/1.5 pood)
7 Pull-Ups
A suicide bomber killed seven CIA officers and one Jordanian officer at a remote base in southeastern Afghanistan on December 30, 2009 after posing as a potential informant reporting on Al Qaeda. Killed in the attack were CIA officers Jennifer Lynne Matthews, 45; Scott Michael Roberson, 39; Harold E. Brown Jr., 37; Darren LaBonte, 35; Elizabeth Hanson, 30; and security contractors Jeremy Jason Wise, 35, and Dane Clark Paresi, 46.

Thursday, September 14, 2017

Thur 14 Sep Workout "Scooter"/"DT"

Continued with the "Hero" theme

Tim, Ann, John, Mike, Jasen, X-man, Rishi

Warm up - On you own

Athletes Choice "Scooter" or "DT"

"Scooter" Hero WOD
AMRAP in 30 minutes (with a Partner)
30 Double-Unders (60 singles)
15 Pull-Ups
15 Push-Ups
100 meter Sprint
For the AMRAP, have one partner work while the other rests, switching after each full round is completed.
If you're performing without a partner, rest 60 seconds between each round

Sgt. Scott Lunger, of Brentwood, California, died July 22, 2015, after being gunned down during a traffic stop. A second officer returned fire, hitting the suspect who was later caught and taken into police custody. Lunger, 48, had served the Hayward Police Department since 2001 as a beat cop, on the special duty unit, gang task force, SWAT, was a Field Training Officer and acting lieutenant at the time of his death. Lunger is survived by his daughters, Ashton and Saralyn; brother and sister-in-law, Mike and Shey; brother Todd; sister and brother-in-law, Michelle and Lance Schroeder; father and stepmother, Paul and Donna; half sister, Ciara; and many other family and friends. He is preceded in death by his mother, Alice.

"DT" Hero WOD
5 Rounds For Time
12 Deadlifts (155/105 lbs)
9 Hang Power Cleans (155/105 lbs)
6 Push Jerks (155/105 lbs)

In honor of USAF SSgt Timothy P. Davis, 28, who was killed on Feburary, 20 2009 supporting operations in OEF when his vehicle was struck by an IED.
Timothy is survived by his wife Megan and one-year old son T.J.

Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Wednesday Heroes

13 Sep 2017

6 AM Athletes Wed 13 Sep "Griff" Meets "Adrian"

Continued Hero week with "Griff" Meets "Adrian"

Modified the Rx by alternating one movement of Griff then one movement of
Adrian (3 forward rolls, 4 laps, 5 wall climbers, 2 backward laps, 7 T2B, 4
laps, etc., etc.). We also put a 30 minute time cap on it.

Ronnie, Bill, John, Tim, Michael, Nick, Jason, and X-Man accepted today's

USAF SSgt Travis L. Griffin, 28, who was killed April 3, 2008 in the Rasheed
district of Baghdad by an IED strike to his vehicle. Travis is survived by
his son Elijah.

U.S. Army Sergeant First Class Adrian Elizalde, 30, of North Bend, OR,
assigned to the 2nd Battalion, 1st Special Forces Group (Airborne), based in
Fort Lewis, WA, died on August 23, 2007, in Baghdad, Iraq, of wounds
sustained from an improvised explosive device. He is survived by his
parents, Jorge and Teresa Elizalde, sister Rachel, and daughter Sydney

"Griff" Hero WOD
For Time
800 meter Run (4 laps)
400 meter Run (backwards) (2 laps)
800 meter Run
400 meter Run (backwards)

"Adrian" Hero WOD
7 Rounds For Time
3 Forward Rolls
5 Wall Climbs
7 Toes-to-Bar
9 Box Jumps (30 in)

Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Tues 12 Sep Workout "Kalsu"

Bill hammered us with this EMOM WOD.
Ronnie, Bill, Rishi, John, Erin, Andrew, Blair, Nick, Tim, and Ann

Warm Up
500m Row
50 Sit ups
PVC stretches

Hero WOD - James "Bob" Kalsu died Jul 21, 1970 serving his country in

For Time
100 Thrusters ( Rx 135/95 lbs) (Most of us used 95/75 lbs)
5 Burpees at the top of every minute

Start with 5 burpees. Then complete as many thrusters as possible until the
minute is up. Repeat until 100 total thrusters are completed

Monday, September 11, 2017

Monday "9/11 Tribute"

Outstanding Job 6 AM'ers Bill, John, Blair, Ronnie, and Trae. Nice tribute to History.

Symbolic September 11, 2001
-US Terrorists Attack -

2001 Row/ Run = Year
11 reps of 9 Movements - Day/Month

Warm-Up - PVC

WOD "911" FT

11 Lap Run
11 Box Jumps 30/24
11 Chest 2 Bar Pull Ups
11 Power Cleans 175LBS (FLT #S Tower)
11 Handstand Push Ups
11 Kettlebell Wing 2/53
11 Toes 2 Bar
11 Thrusters 125/85 (#Pentagon Deaths)
11 Deadlifts 170/75 (WTC Floors)
2001 M Row

Nailed it!!!

Tuesday, September 5, 2017

5 September WOD: Bill's EMOM - Over The Bar Burpees and Wall Balls. KaBOOM!

Warm-up 500m Run -or- 4 Lap Run

50 sit ups
25 push ups
5 Evil wheels
1 Lap Waiter Carry

20 Min EMOM
10 Wallballs
5 o/bar Burpees

Friday, September 1, 2017

Fri 1 Sep Workout "JT"

Ronnie, Erin, Nick, Bill, Andrew, John

"JT" Hero WOD
In honor of Petty Officer 1st Class Jeff Taylor, 30, of Little Creek, VA, who was killed in Afghanistan June 2005.
"JT" was CrossFit's very first hero WOD.

21-15-9 Reps For Time
Handstand Push-Ups
Ring Dips
Very intense but quick WOD

Since the WOD was quick we also had time to run "Linda" for overachievers
10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 RFT
Bench Press Rx Bodyweight - we used 135/65
Power Cleans Rx 3/4 Bodyweight - we used 135/115
Deadlifts Rx is 1.5 Bodyweight - we used 275/ 225/ 115

I aspire to be able to do Linda at the Rx.....