Friday, November 30, 2018

Brandon, Perry and Matty conquered "The Don" on Friday 30 November! Tear it up fellas!!!

Thursday, November 29, 2018

“Bear Karma” WOD

Nice job Perry and Brandon!
Only four movements plus a warm up and cool down.

Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Tuesday, November 27, 2018

“Beowulf” Hero WOD

Most EXCELLENT work Brandon!

  • For Time
  • 1,000 meter Row
  • 800 meter Run
  • 50 Ring Dips
  • 100 Pull-Ups
  • 150 Jumping Ball Slams
  • 800 meter Run
  • 1,000 meter Row

Sent from my iPhone

Monday, November 26, 2018

Friday, November 23, 2018

Post Thanksgiving Day Recovery: Bad Karma-For Load!

Welcome back 6AMers! Just three movements.

50-40-30-20-10 Pull Ups
5 - 5 - 5 - 5 - 5 Bear Complex
10-20-30-40-50 Curls

Pull Ups... anyway you can get-'em!

Bear... Power Clean, Front Squat, Push Press, Back Squat, Push Press = 1 sequence (5 each round) and add 5 pounds each round!

Curls... 45 pounds any way you can get-'em!


Tuesday, November 20, 2018

6AM Athletes Tues 20 Nov 2018 - 36 Min WOD

John, Matty, Brandon, Perry


Did one of Eron’s workouts this AM.  Nothing like 6 minutes of lunges at the top of the ladder.

Tomorrow (Wed) is the last workout this week for the 6AM Athletes.  Getting ready for Turkey Day by doing the Murph!  Just come on and get started when you arrive.

Thur is Thanksgiving.

Friday’s workout is on your own as most of us are taking the day off with family.


36 Min Workout


(0-1)        1 min K2E= Rx,  TTB = Rx+

(1-3)        2 min KB Swings 53/35

(3-6)        3 min 3 Hang Cleans, 2 Front Squats, 1 Push Press

                    (115lbs = Rx,  155lbs = Rx+)

(6-10)      4 min Burpees

(10-15)    5 min Calorie Row

(15-21)    6 min Lunges w/20lb Wall ball

(21-26)    5 min Calorie Row

(26-30)    4 min Burpees

(30-33)    3 min 3 Hang Cleans, 2 Front Squats, 1 Push Press

                   (115lbs = Rx,  155lbs = Rx+)

(33-35)    2 min KB Swings (53lbs)

(35-36)    1 min K2E= Rx,  TTB = Rx+


K2E Knees to Elbows

TTB Toes to Bar

KB Kettle Bell




Monday, November 19, 2018

6AM Athletes Mon 19 Nov 2018


John, Tim, Brandon, Matty


Repeated last week’s AMRAP.  Goal was to BEAT the rounds you accomplished last week.


Warm Up

On your Own



25 Min AMRAP

30 Double Unders (60 Singles)

15 Wall Balls (20lb)

7 Hands Release Push Ups

3 Squat Cleans (135lbs)

500M Row





Friday, November 16, 2018

6AM Athletes Friday 16 Nov 2018 "Fight Gone Bad"

John, Brandon, Diamond


Warm Up

600M Jog


Bear Crawl



Fight Gone Bad

4 Rounds (23 Minutes of fun!)


1 Min Wall Balls (20lbs/10lbs)

1 Min Sumo Deadlift High Pull (75lbs)

1 Min Box Jumps

1 Min Push Press (75lbs)

1 Min Calorie Row

1 Min Rest


6AM Athletes Thur 15 Nov 2018

John, Brandon, Matty


Warm Up

400M Jog


Bear Crawl



25 Min AMRAP

30 Double Unders (60 Singles)

15 Wall Balls (20lb)

7 Hands Release Push Ups

3 Squat Cleans (135lbs)

500M Row





Wednesday, November 14, 2018

“Bad Karma” w/ Thrusters, T2B and Reverse Curls

Nice work 6AM Athletes!

50-40-30-20-10 Thrusters
30-30-30-30-30 T2B
10-20-30-40-50 Reverse Curls

Tuesday, November 13, 2018

The Murph WOD

6AM Athletes Tues 13 Nov 2018 - "Murph"

Ronne, Tim, John Brandon


It’s MURPH time baby!


Ronnie once again laid it on us to begin the week properly.


Warm Up on Your Own and Get’r Done



1 Mile Run (2000M Row)

100 Pull Ups

200 Push Ups

300 Air Squats

1 Mile Run (2000M Row)


Get the Pull Ups, Push Ups, Squats any way you can.  Just DO IT.


Thursday, November 8, 2018

Wednesday, November 7, 2018

“The Don” with Olympic Lifts was on the menu today!

Diamond, Corey, John, Jake, Clint and Brandon experienced this newly renamed WOD "The John H"

John introduced "The Don" to us last year so with a little modification we found it fitting to give this tough WOD the new name "The John H" since it incorporates many of the movements John likes. :)

Welcome Corey and WELL DONE 6AM Athletes.

Tuesday, November 6, 2018

“Bear Candy” WOD

Nice work 6 AM Athletes!

Girls WOD "Candy" with a little "Bear" complex makes for a great workout.

Monday, November 5, 2018

6AM Athletes Mon 5 Nov 2018 - Play it Again

Tim, Anne, John and Devan

Welcome back from Tampastan Devan!


Tim and Anne were early and anxious.  They saw Friday’s Workout “343”  still on the board and started.


So why the heck not?


We Played It Again Today


Warm Up

On your own


WOD “343”

100 Deadlifts 135lbs

100 Hang Clean 95lbs (Was supposed to be Power Cleans but we modified slightly)

100 Ground to Overhead 65lbs

43 Burpees



Friday, November 2, 2018

Hero WOD “343”

KaBOOM! Kahl, Diamond, Dave and John performed very well in today's WOD. :)

Welcome Kahl and I like your determination brother! Well done.

Nice work 6AM Athletes!

Thursday, November 1, 2018

“Deck of Cards - Midline Style”

Nicely done John and Matty!

OHS, T2B, Rig Wipers, Evil Wheel and DL.

Joker=10 Ride'em Down Dead Lifts!