Thursday, November 8, 2018

“Elizabeth” meets “Karen” WOD

Excellent work Adam, Jake, John, Clint and Brandon!


  1. Elizabeth

    21-15-9 Reps For Time
    Squat Cleans
    Ring Dips


    150 Wall Balls

  2. Strategy: In the "Elizabeth" benchmark WOD the middle round of 15 typically tends to be the sticking point for athletes on this workout. Athletes can think about how we would ideally partition both movements in that round, and then apply it to the round of 21 as well. This will help athletes maintain consistent sets as the workout moves along. Whether these are sets of five, three, or fast singles, there is no wrong answer. A balance of technique and consistency will allow athletes to maximize their efforts today.

    Background: "Elizabeth," one of CrossFit's original six "Girls" WODs. It was first posted on the CrossFit Main Site as the workout of the day for Friday, September 12, 2003 (030912).

    Squat cleans are the original prescribed (Rx) movement for "Elizabeth." One popular scaled variant of the WOD, "Power Elizabeth," calls for power cleans instead of squat cleans.

    A September 2013 CrossFit Journal article stated: "not only does ["Elizabeth," "Diane" and "Fran"] combine weightlifting and a calisthenic element but is a powerful whole body workout containing functional hip, pushing, and pulling movements.

    But the crushing charm of these ladies lies in their magnificent capacity to root out weaknesses and humiliate you with them. For many athletes the high rep deadlifts at 225 pounds, cleans at 135 pounds, and thrusters at 95 pounds are easy. For these same ahletes handstand push-ups, ring dips, and pull-ups are very likely deficiencies. Typically, these athletes are larger. Similarly, those athletes for whom handstand push-ups, pull-ups, and ring dips are a breeze are nearly certain to bristle at these loads and high reps in the weightlifting. Typically, these athletes are smaller. Do these workouts favor middleweights? It doesn’t seem so. The middleweights seem to suffer at both ends."

  3. "Karen," one of CrossFit's classic "Girls" WODs, was first posted on as the workout of the day for Thursday, August 7, 2008 (080807).
