Wednesday, January 16, 2019

6AM Athletes Wed 16 Jan 2019 "21 Guns"

John, Bill, Matty


Oops.  We sorta ran 21 Guns this AM.  I forgot to write the 400m run/row on the board.


“21 Guns”

Hero WOD


·         AMRAP in 21 minutes

·         400 meter Run

·         21 Push-Ups

·         21 Box Jumps (24/20 in)

·         15 Burpees

·         9 Pull-Ups




This WOD, created for "WOD With Warriors," as a functional fitness tribute workout held twice a year on Veterans and Memorial Day in the US - "to honor our Nation's’ Warriors, past, present and future." The 21-minute workout and 21 repetitions signify a 21-gun salute, with an exercise for each of the five Branches of the Military. A 21 Gun Salute is the US' highest display of honor, appropriately reserved for Fallen troops on Memorial Day.



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