Wednesday, March 14, 2018

6AM Athletes Wed 14 Mar - Core Day

Ronnie put our abs in the meat grinder today

Ronnie, John, Nick, Kyle, Diamond, Cory (Welcome Cory!), and Shanequa accepted the challenge and all will have screaming abs and troubles standing up and sitting down for the rest today!

Warm Up
The usual Wed ab tendering routine
100 Leg Up Sit Ups
100 Left Oblique Sit Ups
100 Right Oblique Sit Ups
100 90% Leg Lifts/Thrusts

Followed by a WOD Ronnie named the "Gunter 500"
Yes you read that right 500 reps of your favorite ab movements

WOD "Gunter 500"
50 OHS (45/35)
50 T2B/K2E
50 Superman
50 Hollow Rock
50 Wipers (Rig/Floor)
50 Evil Wheels
50 Vee Up
50 Plate Sit Up (45/35)
50 L Sit Pull Up
50 OHS (45/35)

Any order. Complete all reps of the movement before moving on.

If you did the math in your head that is 900 total reps (Warm Up & WOD) today.
Geesh - What was he thinking!

1 comment:

  1. Who loves you baby? I do and don’t you forget it! KaBOOM!

    Well done 6AM Atheletes.
